It is often said that “the eyes are the window to the soul,” and while that may or may not be true, the eye is certainly a window into many health conditions. In fact, sometimes an eye doctor will be the first physician to diagnose a medical condition because the first signs may appear in the eye. At Cape Fear Eye Institute we hope to look at your eyes to not only get you the right prescription, but do diagnose any medical condition that may be present by only looking at your eye.

Ocular Disease is our passion.

Dr. Fanelli, Dr. Casper, and Dr. Treece pride themselves on not only improving your vision with glasses and contacts lenses but providing comprehensive ocular health examinations.

The eye is a window into your overall systemic health. Blood vessels are located in the retina and they provide clues to your overall health.

For example…do you have high cholesterol? Then we look for this…

The yellow spot in the white cirlce is a cholesterol plaque that has clogged an artery.

Do not take your vision for granted. Ask yourself of all the senses

… hearing, touch, smell, sight … which do you not want to lose?


If you answered sight, then make your vision and ocular health a priority and schedule your comprehensive ophthalmic examination with Dr. Fanelli, Dr. Casper and Dr. Treece.

No Vision Insurance…

No Problem…


If you have a medical conditions such as

Dry Eye,



High Blood Pressure,



High Cholesterol


then your ophthalmic eye examination may be submitted to your medical insurance.

Ask our staff if you have insurance questions.